Listed by James Giguere of Aprilian Inc.
Absolutely Stunning Georgian Colonial located at the end of a cul-de-sac with gated driveway originally blt for a member of a Grammy Award Winning group Privacy was paramount when choosing this gated location The current owner has impeccably maintained the craftsmanship and style of the original vision This one of a kind property features ornamental plaster work not seen anywhere else in the world When you enter you are greeted by custom pillars and chandeliers are found throughout the residence All 7bth and 2stry foyer feature HEATED floors The indoor & outdoor balconies BOTH feature dbl drs and overlooks the INDOOR POOL w/cstm up lighting and fiberglass nightime lights The guest house has prvt entrance and over 1000ft/lvg space The 3rd floor walk up attic allows use of potential extra bedrooms/nanny space with a view of front yard and private fountain Lrg mudroom off 4 car heated garage Custom home office/library and finished basement with exercise room. Too much to list!

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Property Details of 25 Ashkins Drive

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